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  • grantwmarshall

Time Management-ish

This past week has a rough one! The majority of my classes have had a test, along with other things, and on top of it all were my ISM assignments. As Friday approached, I kept putting ISM off, until finally Friday came around, when everything was due. I had to make a long drive for a family road trip, and couldn't get started on my assessment or resume until about 9:00 PM on Friday. Lets just say it was a stressful night! Through this experience, I have learned a few things. First, use the little pockets of time you have throughout the day productively. These add up and can help you get ahead on the week or stay on top of work, which is something I should have been doing. Second, get as much work done as you can when you can control your environment. On Friday, I wasted a lot of time dealing with my laptop and unreliable internet, which wouldn't have been problems if I were at home. I took for granted my time at home, where I can work productively, and struggled to finish my assignments on time. In the future, I will look ahead at what I have going on in the week and budget my time accordingly. School work will only get harder as the year goes on, so I need to set in place good habits now while I have the time.

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